Public Sector
HopeComms works with a wide variety of actors and stakeholders within the public sector. Examples include:
The Armed Forces
Police Depts
Government authorities, Regions, and Municipalities
Political parties
Universities & Schools & more.
We´d love to also help your organization reach its inclusion goals.

Armed Forces | Police
Viktoria Saxby has worked as a Gender Coach for 5 years for the highest leadership of the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Police Department, including the Supreme Commander of the Army and the National Operative and Stockholm Region Police Chiefs.
Viktoria has also started up leadership programs for the Police in Serbia, trained the leadership of the Jordan Police, reviewed the International Police Officer Course IPOC, coached regional leadership teams and hundreds of new Managers, and worked with specialized units such as the Prostitution Unit.
For the Armed Forces, she has trained over 3 000 personnel, from Generals to Officers to Conscripts. She has also Coached the Communications Director for 2 years and held training for the Communications Dept in Inclusive Communications.
Authorities | Political Parties
Prior to becoming a Consultant, Viktoria Saxby worked as a Political Advisor for Gender Equality (and Intl Affairs) within Swedish National Politics for 7 years.
As a consultant, Viktoria has trained and held workshops with the leadership teams of several Swedish Parliamentary Political parties on Gender equality, Protection against Sexual Harassment and Anti-discrimination, Equal Opportunities, and DEIB.
She has also worked with Länsstyrelser (County administrative boards) on issues such as Violence Prevention, Violence Against Women, Masculinity norms, Honor Culture, etc.
Further, Viktoria has worked for several Authorities, including the Folke Bernadotte Academy (Inclusive Peacebuilding), The Foreign Ministry (Gender equality), Sida (Intersectional International Development), etc.

Universities | Schools
Inclusion and representation are crucial for a well-functioning democracy. They are also vital for a society not to lose out on the best research, innovations, and competitive edge in the global arena.
HopeComms has worked on DEIB-trainings for several Universities and Higher Education Institutions. One such example is that we have trained 3 out of 4 institutions at the Swedish Defence University (Försvarshögskolan).
HopeComms also hold lectures for both teachers & staff, as well as for students at Schools and High Schools. Here, the topics range from Inclusion & Diversity to specific topics such as Mental health & Inclusive cultures, to Sexual harassment, Pornography, and Consent.
HopeComms has worked with many different organizations, from public organizations such as the 18 volunteer organizations of the Swedish Army to the women's network of the Swedish Emergency Services (Räddningstjänsten).
To civil society and non-profit organizations such as Save the Children, Plan International, Doctors without Borders, Reality-Check, Talita, and more.