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HopeComms was commissioned by Talita and Reality-Check to create a visual and easy-to-grasp representation of Talita’s and Reality Check’s extensive work around the damaging effects of pornography.

The work included highlighting the link between pornography and porn culture. The exhibit includes a special focus on the devastating consequences of those used in the pornography (filmed prostitution) industry.

The work resulted in:
- A physical exhibit
- A digital social media advocacy campaign
- Communication and marketing of the training materials for schools.


Visit Talita's website

Visit Reality-Check's website

HopeComms worked closely for over a year together with the organizations Talita and Reality Check to create: 

A physical exhibit that was launched at Almedalen (2019) to inform and engage policymakers, politicians, the media, decision-makers, schools, authorities, and other important stakeholders about the negative and damaging effects of pornography on both consumers and on those used in the industry.


A digital version of the exhibit, including several extensive Social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Free, interactive training materials for schools, teachers, and students in the classroom, with the support of the Swedish grantor the Allmänna Arvsfonden. 

TALITA and Reality Check Say

Peter Söderström, Strateg, Talita_edited

Dear Viktoria,


It's been so fantastic that you could take on this mission - no one could have done it better!

We are very proud to work with such nice people and who are also so professional and knowledgeable! So, a warm THANK YOU Viktoria for your efforts!!

You really have such incredible knowledge, so deep and at the same time so broad. You have been active in so many different arenas, and worked on so many different issues in the field, with different target groups, both nationally and internationally. It was a pure delight to work with you Viktoria.

We will definitely come back to you. I think your book is also such a valuable source of knowledge in our knowledge inventory.

Peter Söderström, Strategist, &

(& Investigator, Violence prevention, Swedish Gender Equality Agency)


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