Swedish International
Development Cooperation Agency
Viktoria Saxby is, in collaboration with the Nordic Consulting Group, a level 1 Gender Expert for Sida’s Gender Help Desk.
A selection of Expert missions is listed below!
Visit their website
Viktoria is listed as a level 1 Gender Expert within the following 8 areas of expertise:
1. Social norms and masculinities
2. GPS/WPS - Gender, peace & security (inclusive peacebuilding)
3. WPP - Women’s Political Participation
4. S/GBV - Sexual/Gender-based Violence
5. PSEAH - Protection Against Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment
6. WEE - Women’s Economic Empowerment (ec. development, incl. Gender-lens Investing)
7. Gender and intersectional mainstreaming
8. LGBTQIA+ rights
LGBTQIA+ rights in Palestine
HopeComms has worked on several contracts for advancing LGBTQIA+ rights in Palestine.
Collaborations include the Swedish Consulate General of Sweden, Alianza por la Solidaridad (APS), and Action Aid, as well as the EEAS, the EU Office of the European Union Representative (West Bank & Gaza Strip, UNRWA).
The Middle East Investment Initiative - Economic Development and Gender-lens Investment in the MENA-region
HopeComms developed tailor-made training materials for the leadership and all staff of The Middle East Investment Initiative, a program operating in 5 countries in the MENA region: Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, and Egypt.
HopeComms led interactive training with each Country office for 3 weeks, with assignments between sessions.
Topics included the whys, the whats, and the hows of Gender-lens Investing (GLI), a demand from many investors and grantors today - both public and private investors.
Each Country office walked away with its own very concrete and hands-on Action Plan for how they will address the lack of funding going towards women’s entrepreneurship and companies, in order to develop Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE), and with this greatly strengthening the economic development in the MENA-region.
(If full gender parity were achieved in the MENA region (i.e. women and men participate equally in the economy) the GDP of the region would grow by 42%, totaling an amount of 2.7 trillion US dollars by 2025.)
Develop an e-training on PSEAH, Protection Against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment for Sida,
Sida partners & Swedish Embassies/Consulates abroad.
HopeComms was given the assignment to research and build the content for Sida’s e-training on PSEAH. The training will also be used by Sida’s partner organizations, and partner’s partners. The SEAH training will also be used by all Swedish Foreign Missions, such as Swedish Embassies and Consulates abroad.
The training was built around the OECD-DAC principles, including the victim-based approach, and included practical cases and examples, as well as clear guidelines and routines as to how to deal with transgressions and cases. A large emphasis was placed on preventative work.
Addressing and Preventing Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Liberia
HopeComms collaborated with the National Gender Expert on a long-term initiative to address and prevent the outspread Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Liberia, with a focus on reaching the areas of Liberia with the least availability of service delivery. Also, preventative initiatives working with traditional and religious leaders were supported.
Spot-check on intersectional gender inclusion for IM MENA-region
HopeComms was contracted to conduct a spot-check on intersectional gender inclusion for Sida Civsam’s SPO (Strategic Partner Organization) Individuell Människohjälp, IM in the MENA-region, that is the country offices of Jordan and Palestine.
The work included an extensive desktop review of in total 63 strategic documents of IM Sweden, IM Jordan, and IM Palestine, including policies of IM Palestine’s partner organizations REFORM and Al-Marsad. A field visit was made in order to conduct individual interviews with the organizations, as well as focus group discussions (FGDs) with rightsholders from both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
The final output was a report with recommendations moving forward, for Sida Civsam, IM Sweden, IM Jordan, IM Palestine, REFORM, and Al-Marsad, as well as a workshop with Sida and IM Sweden according to the participatory approach.