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Partnering with the management team to implement a comprehensive DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging) initiative - that also included all Sigma’s Country offices.

The initiative also included a component of strategic planning to increase the number of women at Sigma and the IT sector long-term.

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The implementation of the initiative included conducting a comprehensive DEIB survey for all team members and offices globally, an overview and analysis of the survey, current strategies, policies, and communications, leadership team workshops with recommendations for a renewed DEIB strategy and action plan, as well as training and workshops for 100+ managers, from all Sigma offices in Sweden and other country offices. 


Linda Woxneborn, Sigma_edited.jpg
Jag anlitade Viktoria Saxby i ett jämställdhetsarbete och det var så bra att se jämställdhet ur ett forskningsperpektiv.
Viktoria inkluderar alltid både kvinnor och män - då både män och kvinnor behöver må bra och ha förutsättningar för att vi ska nå ända fram. 

Linda Woxneborn, Business Area Manager - Innovation & Creation


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